
山里向茶 2022-06-15 03:02 编辑:任力 181阅读


乌龙茶(oolong tea),亦称青茶、半发酵茶及全发酵茶,品种较多,是中国几大茶类中,独具鲜明汉族特色的茶叶品类。乌龙茶是经过采摘、萎凋、摇青、炒青、揉捻、烘焙等工序后制出的品质优异的茶类。乌龙茶由宋代贡茶龙团、凤饼演变而来,创制于1725年(清雍正年间)前后。品尝后齿颊留香,回味甘鲜。乌龙茶的药理作用,突出表现在分解脂肪、减肥健美等方面。在日本被称之为“美容茶”、“ 健美茶”。乌龙茶为中国特有的茶类,主要产于福建的闽北、闽南及广东、台湾三个省。四川、湖南等省也有少量生产。乌龙茶除了内销广东、福建等省外,主要出口日本、东南亚和港澳地区。主要生产地区是福建省安溪县等地。


West lake longjing tea, already famous. Visit the west lake, drinking longjing tea, is the best to enjoy the tourists to hangzhou. All around the west lake longjing tea produced in the west lake in the mountains, its quality features are: flat without appearance, colour and lustre is green, endoplasm QingXiangWei delicious, bubble is in the cup, bud leaf color is green. The west lake longjing tea has a reputation for color green, aromas and flavor, form beauty is famous for its four unique.